Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday and incense sticks at the foot of the Big Buddha


We walked around Lantau Island yesterday, watching the colorful ways in which people lit incense, burned paper offerings to the ancestors, and bowed to various stone and ceramic images, in hope, no doubt, for a more prosperous year ahead (we are still celebrating the New Year of the Tiger, all week long)

Meanwhile, we Christians are beginning a different faith practice, the 40 days of Lent, in preparation for the event which we believe shows God's overwhelming power and love for each and every human being on this earth:   the sacrificial death of God's Son on a cross, and then the resurrection of that Son in glory and joy.

May your lenten journey be filled with thought,  heightened consciousness, and hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"Remember you are dust and to dust you will return" (from the words spoken at the imposition of ashes in the Ash Wednesday Liturgy)

  What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! -- Paul in his Letter to the Romans 7:24

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