Friday, January 2, 2009

and then some hellos...

"... so do not worry about your life... consider how the flowers grow...
not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these...
how much more will your Father clothe you, you of little faith!..."
-- Jesus acc. to Luke 12:22f.

With only one minor unexpected excursion, our flight plans proceeded exactly according to plan. We beat another snowstorm out of Green Bay, had just enough time to eat breakfast in Detroit,
flew in a great big double-decker 747 to (surprise, surprise) Tokyo, Japan, where, after a 3 hour layover we climbed on board the same jet for the final 4 1/2 hour flight to Hong Kong, arriving exactly on time -- two hours before 2009 began.

Dr. Lam, the president of the seminary, and Janie & Ted Zimmerman, fellow ELCA missionaries, gave up their New Year's Eve to come and pick us up in the airport, squeezing all of us and our luggage into two tiny cars.

Yes, those are live orchids, and the keys to our new home, and the 2009 calendar, gifts to begin our new lives of discovery, adventure, and service in Hong Kong!

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