Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hoarders, throwing stuff out, and more goodbyes...

Eldest Son with his mom and his Omi, on the eve of his leaving for S. Korea.
This week it was time to say good-bye to Eldest Son who is off on a year's adventure in South Korea, teaching English to Korean primary school kids.  (Check out his blog: He and Youngest Son have had a tempestuous relationship over the years, so I am pleased to report we three got along pretty well in the two weeks we spent together.  While Y.S. was working at his summer job, E.S. and I did a lot of house cleaning in anticipation of having renters (I hope I hope)... throwing out LOTS of stuff and taking at least three big van loads to the local charity resale shop, intermittently watching HOURS of a tv show called "Hoarders" to motivate us to clear up even more stuff. 
This photo captures the brothers' relationship rather nicely.  Ah, siblings.
The interesting thing about the show "Hoarders" (besides making us feel, well at least we're not THAT bad!) is how people continually choose stuff over relationships.  In the tv show, hoarders fill every nook and cranny in their house with stuff, because "someday" they'll need it. 
Meanwhile, there's less and less space for actually living life.
I'm happy to say we had several nice meals together, enjoyed each other's company, helped each other out, and "the boys" got along with each other, not perfectly, but pretty well!!!!

" Finally, brothers, farewell! Put things in order, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.  "
-- St. Paul, 2nd letter to the Corinthians (13:11)

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