In Cantonese class one of my fellow students talked about hoping to buy a "home"(ngukkei). Our teacher corrected him. In the Cantonese language you cannot say that you are buying or selling a home, only a house (nguk).
Despite the fact that we loved our home in Wisconsin... despite the hours of labor my husband spent on the basement, the boys spent helping create that extra bathroom... despite even the gorgeous new kitchen (probably the only new kitchen of my life) with the new oven that really did turn out the best chocolate chip cookies ever... despite the deck where we caught the late night breezes, and saw the occasional deer in the woods... despite the herb garden and the asparagus, despite the bluebirds and the sunflowers, despite the graduation parties and the late night dinners we concocted with friends over a bottle of wine (or two)...
It's just a house. And we're SO very glad it's (hopefully by the time most of you read this) sold. Now our home is here where we live and work and cook dinners in Hong Kong, and soon we plan to buy my mom's old house in Door County, to serve as our home when we are in the States.
"Those who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." -- Jesus, according to John 14:23