"This is my son, whom I love." -- God, as quoted in the Gospel of Mark 9:7, the appointed text for Transfiguration Sunday
A baptism tonight, up on the hill. A young father from the mainland of China, who received the holy claim of God on his life, through water, and the Word. Now he joins his Elder Brother, Jesus, as the Beloved.
I've heard it said that it is easier to be baptized here in Hong Kong. There are rumors of lost jobs in mainland China, after a baptism. There are rumors that sometimes, there are repercussions. In some places in the world, baptism into Christ is frowned upon. Some families think there should be no higher allegiance, than to the family. Some communities and places of employment think there should be no higher allegiance, than to the community, or the job. Some nations think there should be no higher allegiance, than to the nation.
It can be a very bold step, to receive the love of God in our lives, that unshakable claim of being, first, and last, and forever, Beloved.
"And He was transfigured before them." -- Mark 9:2b
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